Selfie Scavenger Hunt 📸

Mall Edition 🛍️

Take a selfie...

° By a sale sign

° In the parking lot

° Eating in the food court

° With a security guard

° By a Disney character

° By a mannequin

° By an exit sign

° By a store with 'R' in it's name

° Holding an ugly shirt

° By a video game display

° On the escalator

° In the elevator

° Taking the stairs


Outdoor Edition🌳

Take a selfie...

° In front of a tree

° In front of a yellow car

° With something smooth

° With something red

° With a pinecone

° With something round

° Near a street sign

° With something colorful

° With 2 kinds of sticks

° With 3 kinds of leaves

° In front of a trashcan

° With something bumpy

° Standing near animal tracks

° Standing in the shade

° Standing in the sun

° On a slide

° In a park

° Hiding behind a tree

° By some litter

° Standing on a tree stump

° Holding a ladybug

° By a STOP sign

° By a crack in the sidewalk

° By water


Indoor Edition 🛋️

Take a selfie...

° In the hallway

° In the living room

° In the kitchen

° At the dining table

° In the bathroom

° With a photo on your wall

° With a box of cereal

° Coloring

° With something fluffy

° With something that smells good

° By a pile of laundry

° With something that starts with 'A'

° With something blue

° With something plastic

° Looking in the fridge

° By the front door
