"A timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events."


A List of Timelines

° Education/Schools
° Vacations
° Places Lived
° Jobs/Careers
° Love (couple's timeline)
° Your Kids (collective/individual)
° Your Pets (collective/individual)
° Life as a Child
° Life as a Teen
° Life as an Adult
° Regrets/Should Have's
° Future Goals
° Siblings (collective/individual)
° Friends (collective/individual)
° Death's
° Births
° Illnesses
° Marriages
° Religion (Religious)
° Fads/Phases
° Artwork/Projects
° Favorite Songs
° Favorite Movies
° Favorite TV Shows
° Family Tree
° Parents
° Non-immediate Family
