Where to Apply Essential Oils 🌺

❤️ Joint & Shoulder Pain

💧 Clove/Wintergreen/Ylang Ylang

° Apply to back of neck and base of pinky toe

❤️ Bronchitis, Cough & Asthma

💧 Lemon/Peppermint/Eucalyptus/Ylang Ylang

° Apply to sole of foot and chest

❤️ Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue & Insomnia

💧 Peppermint/Eucalyptus/Lavender/Chamomile

° Apply behind ears and on the bottom of big toe

❤️ Depression & Stress

💧 Bergamot/Ylang Ylang

° Apply over the heart

❤️ Back Pain

💧 Clove/Rosemary/Cypress/Marjoram

° Apply to inner arch of foot

❤️ Earaches

💧 Juniper/Lavender/Basil

° Apply to outside of ears

❤️ Menstraul Cramps

💧 Sage/Peppermint/Ginger/Fennel

° Apply on stomach
