52 Questions for Self-Discovery πŸ”Ž

How do I feel at the moment?

What do I need more of in my life?

What would make me happy right now?

What is going right in my life?

What are 10 things I am grateful for?

When did I experience joy this week?

What are my small victories and successes?

What's bothering me? Why?

What are my priorities at the moment?

What do I love about myself?

Who means the world to me? Why?

What message do I have for the world?

What advice would I give my younger self?

What lessons did I learn this week?

If I had all the time in the world, what would I do?

What draining my energy? How can I change that?

What does my ideal morning look like?

What does my ideal day look like?

What makes me come alive?

What/Who inspires me the most?

Where does my pain originate?

What am I good at?

What is something I want to do but I'm scared?

What is something I'd love to learn?

What hobbies would I like to try?

Where do I want to live my ideal life?

Where do I want to travel in the next 5 years?

How can I take better care of myself?

When have I done something I thought I couldn't?

At the end of my life, what do I want my legacy to be?

What was something you thought a lot of as a child?

What's something you've always wished for?

If you received $10,000 but had to spend it only on yourself, what would you buy?

What's something you know you need to work on?

What's something you've done recently that you're proud of?

What do you want to accomplish in the next year?

If you could ask anyone one question, who would it be and what would you ask?

What's a positive that stemmed from a negative recently?

What's a skill you have always wanted to have?

What's a sentance that had stopped you in your tracks and made you change your view?

How have you changed in the past 5 years?

What's something you've always wanted to achieve?

What's the best advice you could give to your younger self?

What book do you always re read?

What is something you will never regret, but probably should?

What quality do you admire most in others?

What kind of advice are you good at giving?

If you got the chance to time travel where would you go?

What's something you're afraid to tell most people?

What are you most thankful for?

What do you want people to see when they first meet you?

What's something you can do today, no problem?
