5 Guides to Self Care 👤

Spiritual Self Care

1. Write a thank you note

2. Check in on social media

3. Write a letter

4. Suggest a gathering

5. Set up a date

6. Play board games with friends

7. Host a party

8. Call a loved one

9. Take a walk with a friend

10. Take a coffee break

Emotional Self Care

1. Pack answeet note in your lunch

2. Say 'I Love You' in the mirror

3. Try 'Morning Pages'

4. Call a friend

5. Let yourself fully feel for 90 seconds

6. Ask for positive feedback

7. Write in a journal

8. Create art to express an emotion

9. Spend time with a pet

10. Help someone in need

Physical Self Care

1. Drink a glass of water with lemon

2. Get up and stretch

3. Take a nap

4. Take a walk around the block

5. Try a green smoothie

6. Give yourself a foot massage

7. Play your favorite song and dance to it

8. Eat a fruit

9. Take 3 deep breaths

10. Find a reason to laugh again

Practical Self Care

1. Designate a weekly grocery time

2. Set up a weekly money check in

3. Create a master grocery list

4. Designate a home for everything

5. Embrace systems whenever possible

6. Experiment with frozen meals

7. Learn about budgeting

8. Spend 15 min/day cleaning

9. Learn about investing

10. Develop a cleaning schedule

Spiritual Self Care

1. Meditate for 15 min

2. Pray

3. Read inspirational work

4. Volunteer in your community

5. Take a walk in the park

6. Eat lunch outside on the grass

7. Try a guided imagery

8. Do a random act of kindness

9. Make a list of all your positives

10. Sit in silence for 5 minutes
