30 Days of Self Improvement πŸ“†

Day 1) Share something that happened today that you're proud of

Day 2) Start a journal

Day 3) Learn something new

Day 4) Exercise

Day 5) Take a long, deep breath

Day 6) Bake cookies for a friend

Day 7) Do nothing

Day 8) Make a list of your accomplishments

Day 9) Drink more water

Day 10) Tell yourself all the things you like about yourself

Day 11) Make a meal for one

Day 12) Watch an old movie

Day 13) Get outside

Day 14) Declutter

Day 15) Treat yourself

Day 16) Listen to your favorite album

Day 17) Buy coffee for a stranger

Day 18) Go for a walk

Day 19) Turn your phone off

Day 20) Make a healthy recipe

Day 21) Write down your 5 year dream plan

Day 22) Text an old friend

Day 23) Be creative

Day 24) Stretch

Day 25) Write down 5 things that make you happy

Day 26) Plan your dream vacation

Day 27) Learn something new

Day 28) Do nothing

Day 29) Create a goal board

Day 30) Give yourself a hug
