21 Day Anxiety Challenge πŸ“†

Day 1) Fill a coloring book page

Day 2) Do some breathing exercises

Day 3) Listen to mood boosting music

Day 4) Meditate

Day 5) Talk to someone on the phone

Day 6) Go for a jog

Day 7) Say positive affirmations to yourself

Day 8) Let it all come out

Day 9) Write in a journal

Day 10) Do a crossword puzzle

Day 11) Remove caffeine from your diet

Day 12) Dance like nobody's watching

Day 13) Use a stress ball or fidget spinner

Day 14) Take a hot bath

Day 15) Laugh

Day 16) Work on an art project

Day 17) Do some yoga

Day 18) Go on a digital detox

Day 19) Take a nature walk

Day 20) Schedule your worrying

Day 21) Accept your feelings
